Special attention to flowers has arisen to people in ancient times. In Ancient Greece, for example, these gifts of nature were attributed to a divine origin. In India, it was believed that flowers were not born in order to please people with their beauty and aroma. Unique plants Hindus considered the best kind of gifts for their loved ones. But there are other interesting facts related to flowers.
Flowers are able to respond to the touch – it is a well-known fact about such plants.
Types of flowers and unusual facts
There are many festivals and holidays associated with certain types of flowers. Thus, in Ancient India, a festival of flowers was held, in Ancient Greece celebrated the day of hyacinths and lilies, in Germany – violets, in Bulgaria – roses, etc.

Queen rose flowers from ancient times was considered a symbol of divine mystery. The ancient Persians had a legend that the queen of flowers originally had white petals. But one day the rose was seen by a nightingale. He pressed a bud to his chest, a bird’s heart pierced with thorns and blood dripped on the petals. So the flower petals were painted red. By the way, it is the rose today is the national flower of the United States by decision of Congress in 1986.
With roses associated with other historical facts and legends. It is interesting that in ancient India, anyone who brought this beautiful flower to the ruler, could ask to fulfill his desire. And the oil from the rose in the past was valued for the weight of gold.
As for other types of flowers, there are many interesting facts related to the lotus. This flower played a special role in the history of Ancient Egypt. Lotus was dedicated by the Egyptians to the fertility goddess Isis. And the abundance of lotus flowers on the banks of the Nile during its spill was considered a good sign, promising a special harvest.
Many unusual facts are known about chrysanthemum. The name of the flower is translated from Japanese as “sun”. In this country, the image of chrysanthemum was allowed only in the clothes of members of the imperial family. In Japan to this day pictures with such a flower are recognized as sacred, because this plant – a symbol of sacred.
Do you know where the name “gladiolus” came from? This name was given to the beautiful gift of nature by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder. He drew attention to the similarity of the plant to the weapons of gladiators. The name “gladiolus” came from Gladius, which means “sword”.

Rose – floral symbol of the United States
In America, the rose is the main flower of the country, a true national symbol
What else should I know about colors?
Beautiful creations of bright colors inspired the works of many poets and writers around the world. Even in the Bible there is a mention of a lily flower, which grew out of the tears of Eve, banished from heaven. These romantic flowers are now often chosen to create wedding bouquets along with roses. But the carnation has grown on Golgotha. It is believed that the flower grew in the place from where the Mother of God looked at the suffering of her Son.
Wreaths of flowers are the most ancient type of decoration. Flower wreaths were used to decorate homes, for celebrations, as ritual attributes. Ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus dedicated an entire chapter of his scientific treatise to flower wreaths. And the Slavs on Ivan Kupala created from plants compositions were launched on the water and predicted the future by the way the wreaths were floating.
It is believed that the royal lily flower grew out of tears exiled from the paradise of Eve.
Other interesting facts related to flowers:
- The oldest rose in the world grows in Germany. Its location is the Hildesheime Cathedral. For over 1000 years, it pleases the eye of visitors, and its bush is already almost towering above the roof of the building.
- On the slopes of the mountains of South America you can find a flower of Puya Raymond, who opens his petals only once in 150 years, and then – dies.
- The largest flower on the planet is recognized Rafflesia Arnold, which weighs up to 11 kg and a diameter of 91 cm. To see it, you must get to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.
- The biggest price – $5000 – is paid for the golden orchid, which produces its first arrows with inflorescences only after 15 years of life. The place where it grows is Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia.
- In the emergence of such a headdress, as a hat, “guilty” flowers, or rather – roses. In medieval France, women covered their heads with wreaths woven from these flowers. They were called the shpanel, and they became the ancestors of modern hats.
- One version of the origin of the name of the flower unforgettable is as follows: when God gave out names to all plants, he heard from one of them: “Do not forget me!”. “This is how they will call you,” God answered him.
- In Ireland, the houses of Catholics and Protestants differed in color of flowers: the former preferred white, and the latter – orange.
- The Golden Orchid is a real gem.
- Orchids of rare varieties can cost fabulous sums, the rarest type of these plants is the golden orchid.
Flowers in different countries
In many countries, there are flowers-lovers. They are depicted even on the coats of arms of countries. For example, in Japan, chrysanthemum is used as a symbol, in Switzerland – Edelweiss, in Ireland – clover. In China, the national flower recognized peony, the inhabitants of this country believe in the magical properties of this plant. And in the U.S., there are symbolic flowers and individual states. Thus, in Ohio is a red carnation, in Indiana – unforgettable.

How many interesting, and in some places and fairytale melt flowers: they are cute and fragile creatures that people love, appreciate and care for. Kopilka knowledge of flowers, if desired, can be updated regularly, because new varieties, original plant colors appear almost every day. And the skill of florists allows you to enjoy the luxurious bouquets of red color or any other shade, spectacular flower arrangements.
Flowers are often depicted on the emblems of countries
Flowers and other plants are often national symbols present on coats of arms and not only